About Sri Lanka & Key Financial Statistics

About Afghanistan and Key Financial Statistics

Overview of Economy:

Gross Domestic Product (In USD):

Composition of Gross Domestic Product:

% Agricuture:

% Industry:

% Services:

Composition of Labor Force by Occupation:

% Agriculture:

% Industry:

% Services:

Per Capita Income:


Key Export Commodities:

Export Partners:


Key Import Commodities:

Import Partners:

Inflation Rate (Consumer Price Index):

Exchange Rate to USD:

Unemployment Rate:

S&P Rating:

Standard & Poor's Ratings:

    • AAA: The best quality borrowers, reliable and stable

    • AA: Quality borrowers, a bit higher risk than AAA

    • A: Economic situation can affect finance

    • BBB: Medium class borrowers, which are satisfactory at the moment

    • BB: More prone to changes in the economy

    • B: Financial situation varies noticeably

    • CCC: An obligor rated currently vulnerable, and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions to meet its financial commitments.

Ref 2012-2014: CIA World Factbook, Wikipedia, PWC, EY, Standard & Poors ratings